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What is a Handpan?

17 May 2023

A handpan is a musical instrument that belongs to the percussion family. It is a relatively new instrument that was developed in the early 2000s. Handpans are often referred to as "hang drums," although "Hang" is actually a trademarked name for a specific type of handpan.

The handpan consists of a round metal disc with a concave shape and a series of indentations or "notes" hammered into it. The notes are arranged in a circular pattern, radiating outwards from the center. Each note produces a distinct sound when struck with the hands or fingers. The handpan is played by tapping or striking the notes with the fingers, creating melodic tones.

The instrument has a unique and enchanting sound that is often described as ethereal or celestial. It produces rich and resonant tones with a warm and sustained quality. The handpan is known for its soothing and meditative qualities, making it popular for relaxation, meditation, and therapeutic purposes.

Handpans are typically made from steel or other metals that are carefully shaped and tuned by skilled craftsmen. Due to their intricate construction and the craftsmanship involved, handpans can be quite expensive and often have long waiting lists for purchase.

Over the years, handpans have gained popularity among musicians and enthusiasts worldwide. They have been incorporated into various genres of music, including world music, ambient music, and even contemporary popular music. Many musicians and performers use handpans in solo performances or as part of ensembles to create captivating and expressive melodies.

At Rupp's Drums, we carry a variety of different handpans and ritual percussion instruments. Contact us for availability and pricing. 

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